Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Work in Progress - November 18th 2014

As per effing usual, I'm leaving it horribly late to complete the amount of original new pieces I wanted to have ready for the December pop-up shop. Endless footling around with smaller and smaller brushes on a pitcher-plant sleigh ride downwards into a productivity sinkhole of recursion.

*HOWEVER* - its not about working to order, is it? Thats not art, that's commerce. You work at the speed that feels right, yes? You must surely call a work 'complete' only when it feels complete, otherwise you're just a robot working on a production line in a factory (a factory in which you are also the boss, of course, but a factory nonetheless).

Aye, think on.

Here's how we're looking today. A busy deskspace is a happy workface: