I paint and draw, on canvas and on board...
and occasionally on found objects...
I produce roccasional runs of cards...

and giclée prints...
My paintings usually look something like this...
They follow an evolving accumulation of rules concerning placement and hierarchy of colour and outline, symmetry and randomness, density and sparseness...
Each painting is unique, and follows it's own subset of rules, followed with varying degrees of strictness/flexibility.
All are entirely freehand, no rulers, templates or measuring devices are used. My belief is that if an image is broadly symmetrical but 'not-quite-right' due to being hand rendered and guestimated, it 'zings' in a way that it wouldn't if it been laid out clinically to the nearest millimetre...
My drawings are much looser and more spontaneous, but also slowly evolve over months.
I call them 'neuroglyphs'.
They usually begin as scraps of A4 paper where scribbled phone numbers, contact details and 'to-do' lists gradually become embroidered and overlaid with doodles and other back-brain outgrowth, as well as picking up scuffs, studio dirt, paint blobs and coffee cup stains (the debris-spattered undercarriage of the creative process, if you will).
Eventually they become saturated and super-dense, and something needs to be done...
Sometimes I frame and present similar pieces in thematic groups and sets. I like the idea of emergence through repetition, of "meaning" and "substance" arising from an aggregate of seemingly randomly generated "non-data" that I spew forth as an adjunct to my more formal painted pieces.
(It's also fun, mostly)
I also scan my glyphs at a high resolution and digitally manipulate and adjust them , layering images to make new strands and extrusions, before giclee printing at A2 or larger. I like the ping-ponging between pen-and-paper/computer/giclée print, it feels like a meaningful interaction between analogue and digital..
Our music sounds a lot like my paintings look.
It's obtainable on iTunes and Amazon or from the IATMJ music store
More paintings, cards and prints are made available every now and then, as dictated by whatever degree of urgency or torpor govern my being...
...these can be purchased here and there, around Bristol and the South-West.
There is a discernible evolutionary growth of sorts, in a number of directions.
You'll know what's coming next when I do...